Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Denise Milani Blue And Purple Dress

H & M shopping

Hello lovelies!

Yesterday I was (Among others) at H & M and have me there, bought a knit sweater with shawl collar. A nice long sweater I wanted to have for a long time and this has pleased me mad:)
Uuuuuund this time even I had my camera so I could take pictures of uninterrupted shopping, I can show you now! Unfortunately, the light in the dressing room was not as exhilarating as you will see in a moment.

links is the real color closer to the right is sharper for it;)
Nothing great special, as you can see but I like my new achievement:) was really stupid that the sweater was only in size S, but he still fit quite well, the sleeves are just long enough. The M (in ner different color) even looked pretty blind way.

Again, to improve clarity: here the sweater you can once again take a closer look. Just had to realize that my copy is still more brown than gray. Sometimes I've somehow my problems with colors;) Let's see, what does that say to daylight.

So that was my shopping at H & M, what else I have found however, I will tell you certainly in the next few days:)

dearest greetings from the Holy


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