I have again received a blog award, this time even fresadulce four times and that of Blue Bell, spring , Highdeefinition and . Thank you very much, I'm really happy ♥!

The rules:
thank the person who gave you the award and link them to your post. Tell us 7 things about you. Give the award to 15 recently discovered a new blogger. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.
7 things about me:
first I have training as a beautician made and I am soon to enter fully into my job (in my upbringing break ...)
second Until the birth of my daughter I've been very active playing World of Warcraft
third I used to play electric guitar, unfortunately I've never been good
4th As a teenager I was a vegetarian
5th I'm with my husband for over 11 years
6th My worst feature is my indecision. I could think for days over trivial decisions * sigh *
7th I make it rare to be on time, since my daughter is because it just got worse. And I hate to even that I do not just hammer out!
Since the award is already too prevalent, I would like to distribute spare me and tag each of the join;)
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