Thursday, May 13, 2010

Punishable By Death Old Testament

BBC Radio 4: Happy In Our Time

Melvyn Bragg über seine BBC Radio 4 Sendung In Our Time ( Link ):
These 45-minute programmes at 9.02 on Radio 4 are now bringing in more than two million listeners. That's more than Newsnight or any arts series on television. They bring in a young audience and we've just learnt that the In Our Time website is the most popular on BBC Radio, and the fourth most popular of the entire BBC output. I don't think it's claiming too much to say that the audience outstripped expectation. Certainly mine: in 1998 I thought it would last about six months and be hard put to hold the half-million audience.

than 2 million listeners, not bad for a 45 minute program in which there are 4 professors talk about a topic. ( Link to In Our Time page on the BBC )


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