Thursday, May 13, 2010

Punishable By Death Old Testament

BBC Radio 4: Happy In Our Time

Melvyn Bragg über seine BBC Radio 4 Sendung In Our Time ( Link ):
These 45-minute programmes at 9.02 on Radio 4 are now bringing in more than two million listeners. That's more than Newsnight or any arts series on television. They bring in a young audience and we've just learnt that the In Our Time website is the most popular on BBC Radio, and the fourth most popular of the entire BBC output. I don't think it's claiming too much to say that the audience outstripped expectation. Certainly mine: in 1998 I thought it would last about six months and be hard put to hold the half-million audience.

than 2 million listeners, not bad for a 45 minute program in which there are 4 professors talk about a topic. ( Link to In Our Time page on the BBC )

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paradigm Wordpress Theme

Amazon Mechanical Turk

After I had done last year with the professional web services from Amazon, I had my chance last time the Amazon Mechanical Turk viewed service.

Explanation: Web services are interfaces that are intended for the exchange of data between the computer system, such as when making a website advertising for Amazon Products want, then you can put in the code calls to the Amazon Web Services, which to query product information from the Amazon system and saves the agency's own performance.

The actual information processing is usually an automatic, here, ultimately query the database, if you prefer a needed item price.

The remarkable thing about Amazon Mechanical Turk is that the processing of information here is such that it is provided in the rule of people. Known example is the inverse Turing test to protect against spambots or Erntebots, where one is an image recognition task that can be provided almost exclusively by men.

The name Mechanical Turk indicated to the old chess machine down by no mechanism put to play chess but a small chess players. And so it is with Amazon Mechanical Turk, because people will slave away, but the whole is packaged in web services, so that the processing can be done automatically.

The associated web interface is nice, I've watched only once the part that was intended for human workers (Workers). The part of the employers I have not yet looked at.

The tasks are called HIT (Human Intelligence Task - task for human intelligence).

First impression: Many jobs for a few U.S. cents, or cents. I think a math tutoring job for about 15 U.S. dollars was the highest paid, and I could not say now how long you must work for it.

Well, you see really the BWLer on, as they dream of the benefits of outsourcing. Of the few cents can not live in North America or Europe one. The depressed a bit. Where the potential employees in the country where an attractive salary may be, after all, English can be and an Internet connection, including device must provide some way. If it's so really there? Or is speculated to welfare recipients, who must earn a gift certificate at the district over? Also not pretty.

As a platform the whole thing is quite sophisticated, The system monitors and manages the results and the behavior of the workers. How many tasks can be answered, whether the authority will accept the results. This allows the customers the quality and reliability of the working estimate. Appears at first look good technically if this is always compatible with our labor, I'd be happy to discuss times with a trainer. We see the need for somewhere, but it is also very Orwellian.

I found interesting was the qualification system. It should ensure that tasks that certain skills or attributes (eg country of residence) need only be performed by qualified persons can. These skills can be acquired through testing, or they are assigned (eg, after analysis of the labor data). Now

themselves with the tasks, since Amazon lists noble tasks ( link), but I've actually seen more untrustworthy. Of any blocked ads (come out in the task text to visit a great website is where a more or less serious offer is made) to Anzeigenbetrügerereien (Locate the five hidden numbers on my website), where advertising clicks to be generated.

As regards payment, I am not so convinced. You need to achieve a certain minimum volume in order to even to be paid. And it may, the question remains whether a client by rejecting an application result to acquire this without paying for it. The existence of numerous sites around the topic of Mechanical Turk, which provide tools for employers here watching, because it can be raised fears.

Again a technically interesting system, certainly an innovation in the labor market, but whether I can use personally ever seriously, I can not answer yet.

I realize now that the issue of random fits the present day work. This is a new labor market, with many aspects. It reminds of the old horror pictures of monotonous factory work, where the workers are also only brought even if they can not conveniently be replaced by machines. Globalization is in there. Surveillance in the workplace. But even outside organization to excesses (here payment practices) are facing. Take advantage of social systems. It could also be a chance to simply to provide labor and employee.

Collection Taking Unemployment

DJ Hero

Where I are on the subject Music Games, was at Christmas, there was DJ Hero very encouraging, as well, the camp cleared, as I have then added to it a couple days played, dust ever since it out but to himself.

That's me worth a few lines, because I am still busy on the plastic guitar in the Arts maltreat. My Drum Controller Kit (including a Christmas bargain) dust, unfortunately, to himself, but that is because it is too loud when there clattering with the sticks and I usually only have time to do when sleeping family and neighbors, have since I hold just simply not enough opportunity, while I was on DJ Hero game no great pleasure.

I'm sorry to have hurt, because Guitar Hero was a serious, expensive attempt by Activision to expand the music games genre. Innovation is not a question. It also produces excellent. The games software is at least as good as a 5 or Guitar Hero Guitar Hero, if not better even from the stage a bit. The turntable controller is also very good if you consider that it is the first generation, I believe only the subject of the Wii remote gets on my nerves a little because it is a bit too narrowly, so that the lid does not go well.

But what good is anything if my game is so fast sorry?

I think it's the music. It is not that my house, dance and techno music here is generally on the laces, no, I'm normally a lover of this music. It is these Mixtitel: From the gameplay trying to DJ Hero not to take more notes (on Guitar Hero: Note-key touch keyboard or drum pads), no one here has two music sources, among which are mixed back and forth and the platter, to scratch around. This leads, unfortunately, in almost all enclosed and available via download Mixstücken very annoying songs. Except for David Gettas When Love Takes Over I find it not just a piece, what can I bear it any longer. I play it is a short time and that was it. A world of difference in motivation compared to Guitar Hero or Rock Band games.

way you can take on a few titles and a second player purely by guitar controller that worked but not so sparkling.

It is supposed to be a DJ Hero 2 in the works, I'm very curious what wheels were turning to the producers then to make the game more attractive, I am not currently so convinced that the game concept with. Too bad, too bad.

Commercial Pilot Average Salary Canada

Rock Band and Guitar Hero Guitar Hero Scores

I have recently also risen Rock Band 2 for the Wii after me The Beatles: Rock Band has fallen as well and the game currently available for 30 € or less than UK version.

It just came in, before Eyjafjallajökull aviation in the EU brought to a standstill. I had just been released a more detached mail the shop to inform me about the return policy. This natural phenomenon is likely to have caused many merchants to stress, because they could not keep your appointments. The name is great, If I were a teacher, I would now sprinkle more times in dictations. :-)

Prev 2 Rock Band Again be a case where we in Europe a few months longer than in the manufacturing country (in this case: USA) had to wait again and then the Wii version had a big delay. There was therefore a bit deflated and for my taste too many titles already in the games of the series include Guitar Hero, so I did not pay the full price.

The good online mode of The Beatles: Rock Band, however, had made me curious about the engine behind Rock Band 2. In Guitar Hero universe were the last releases Guitar Hero 5 and Guitar Hero, with an improved engine, vote in the example, three guitar players can only take the max. an instrument types of the Guitar Hero World Tour Engine. Thereafter, Guitar Hero Van Halen down at the market, with the old engine and then had a stop but very old. One also finds relatively rare players online. This is not surprising, since the number of potential players here distributed to the 8 different Guitar Hero games.

rock band puts more emphasis on expanding the library of songs sold by download. The fragmented nature of online gamers is not so strong. Beatles content but you can only play game in the Beatles, which will be at the Green Day game or Rock Band 3 remains to be seen. I would for example Online games do on the console limitations. Apart from

online mode, the games Rock Band and Guitar Hero series are very similar, with the controllers, fortunately, otherwise we would have more plastic instruments lying around, if you do not could use both sides. I am very satisfied with the two series, is packed in the sum rock band by the better online mode and the large song library, Guitar Hero through the solo mode, and (depending on the game) again higher difficulty.

at Rock Band shines The Beatles: Rock Band as an artist-centric title in the Guitar Hero Metallica game. Both try with Lego Rock Band (please not the full price on the Wii , Now it has no online capabilities) and Guitar Hero to find other target groups beyond the Rock fans.

Hopefully, the gloomy predictions for the end of game genres too early and we see this year, good new track!