Wednesday was an exciting day, a little like Frantic if one plötzich very strange in a foreign city occurs. Actually, I wanted the bus line 3 towards Slussen (lock), pass where meet Mälaren and the Baltic.
Stupid, I'm back down in the other direction, north to the Karolinska.
On the bus there were no interesting jobs, a girl had forgotten a scarf when I Bus driver gave the front.
I had decided to make the bus a tour clockwise around Stockholm and then to push for Slussen. At the Karolinska I am then in a line north-east and have switched on the phone still happy with the home base. Until then I noticed that I had forgotten the bag with laptop, passport and ticket in line 3.
The bus driver did not understand English, but a friendly young woman has unsheathed her cell phone and for me via mobile Internet / WAP or otherwise the phone number a lost property office of the transport company SL picked out.
I have reached on the English-language hotline of the SL a lady of lost property office, which started my data that I have lost out when. It was about a passport and airline tickets it has probably helped me a priority. Otherwise, I would probably have to open a few days later there in the lost and found. She told me that a laptop was found in line 3, so I drew them hope. My better half I was still scolded on the phone. Well, phone. Every minute costs 59 cents, there's a balance quickly gone.
On the U - train station Tekniska Högskolan am I from outside the bus, in a shop of the SL and I can describe me as the way to the lost and found. Again, a very friendly staff, this time with very good English.
I then drove fast toward T-Centralen by pay phone and I called the number from the head of the lost property office, the lady had given me the phone before.
was the friendly and calm and has given me, that I at 16.20 clock at the bus station St: to wait Eriksgatan on the line 3 when I get more questions would, I should not hesitate, to call again. So I had another 40 minutes added to what was not a problem since the Stockholm public transport does not need to hide behind the Munich.
The road was very quick and I was there shortly after 16:00 clock already. I then called again the friendly man from the SL to ask myself whether I should wait for the bus or direction towards Karolinska Slussen. So Karolinska direction.
was rush hour since came every few minutes, a line 3, and from 16.15 clock, I then besprungen every bus driver in front, brandished the EC card with my name and asked about my bag. The fourth bus driver was then hit. My goodness I was happy. I had spent the remaining three days to Stockholm, any paper and fly to Munich to settle back.
A final call to the head of the SL to me again to thank you for the happy ending.
The day was more exciting than I had planned and I drove the 4 stations cut back to youth hostel and stayed there the rest of the evening, since decency for Thursday's conference.
where the friendly Sweden I want to thank you again to this point, everyone was very friendly and helpful so far! I'm also amazed at how well the knowledge of English. Sweden must have good schools.
's see, now it's same as the second Attempt to me to Vasa and possibly eke out a boat tour. Whether it will succeed this time?