Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pain In The Back Of The Head When Leaning Back

A bit Gebaumel

Good evening, my sweet:)

is unfortunately broke down recently, the closure of my favorite chain. So I've now purchased spontaneously replacement. I must admit to not own many chains, I usually only worn them a
But now it works on to new horizons. The right Gebaumel

Although the picture looks like the double, the pendant measures about 15 cm. I have to get used to something, but now finds very pretty.
Bought I'm way at Ross, but I think the Acessorize Jewelry Stands are still around in other places. Since there is currently some reduced cost me the good piece 3 instead of 8 €.

Now be honest, take the your taste? If you're wearing like such Gebaumel or may you prefer more discreet jewelry?
I for one must explore it;)

Dearest greetings, your Holy


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