Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wedding Table Chart Templates

Wild Berry Amu

Hey my friends:)

As promised, I show you now Amu with the eyeshadow, which I told you yesterday presented. can be used

the way, I have all 5 colors, but of course this is not really keep apart.

Somehow, I must first re-learn to take sharp pictures;) Most have become blurred, so are unfortunately not so many. But I once again what made the whole face, the effect of Amus better present. Greetings from my great rubber tree:)
My hair is freshly washed and not greasy;)

Do you like such an overall view or close-ups ranging from the eye?
So now a few words about the Shadow: As previously reported, the pigmentation of very fine, the colors come out well on the eye. With the use I had no problems, the blending has worked well.
I like the range of really good, they will surely come more often used.

Take care, until next time!

your Holy


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